Fatal Leadership Void…

Fatal Leadership Void…

 Part 1 Crime Section…For years here in our Part 1’s, we’ve exposed the criminally-corrupt conduct of a crooked con man who is clearly a completely contemptible human being.  But in recent months & for the foreseeable future, the tragic pandemic...
This Circus Act Goes On…

This Circus Act Goes On…

 Part 1 Despite Trump’s repeated denials, Russia did interfere in the 2016 election in order to benefit Trump as these Senate Intel reports confirm.  The preponderance of prior evidence also suggests the Trump campaign team colluded with the Russians to cheat...
These Are Indeed Crazy Times!

These Are Indeed Crazy Times!

Part 1 We’re still keeping this first section open for more news of criminal behavior, since numerous reports over the years seen in this blog have offered substantial & irrefutable evidence we’re dealing with a serial criminal (aka our president). ...